Dear friends
This month I’m looking for your thoughts.
I’m trying to get a feel for where, as a church, we think we are.
Please can you complete these sentences:
· Daybrook Baptist Church is …
· Daybrook Baptist Church could be …
· Daybrook Baptist Church hopes to be …
I’m not asking you to spend a long time on this. The first thoughts that come into your head are fine.
Short answers, maybe one word, are great. There are no ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ answers; please feel free to respond as you feel.
Once you’ve got your answers, please email them to me by November 15th.
If you prefer, you can give them to me when you see me.
Your answers may be published anonymously, but you might like to use them to inspire your own prayers.
Thank you for the privilege of being your minister.
My prayer for Daybrook today is that we will continue to glorify God together.
In his love