Dear friends
Have you ever been called a ‘bible basher?’ Some Christians annoy people because they go on about Jesus too much.
I want people to know that I love Jesus, but I don’t want to be rude. Gentleness and respect are the key.
Sometimes, though, I know I don’t talk about Jesus enough. At my worst people could think that Jesus isn’t very important to me. That’s not good.
I’m not going to give you a script today, though maybe some of us could do with one. Perhaps it would help to think about a few things, to help us to talk in a gracious way.
Why do you persevere with church when there are lots of other interesting things you could do?
If someone gave you two minutes to explain your faith, what would you say?
How could you reassure people that you can talk about Jesus without ‘getting at them?’
Peter, who knew Jesus so well, tells us always to be ready to explain the hope that we have.
Let’s continue to explore the mission that Jesus has for us.
In his love