Foodbank and CAB
Arnold Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust Network of Foodbanks. We are open Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at the rear entrance to Daybrook Baptist Church from 1.30-3pm.
To access the foodbank you need to be referred. This can be through any local advice agency; DWP; LA Housing departments; local schools; Children’s Centres and Social Services. Citizens’ Advice also have a National Hardship Line. They can be contacted on 0808 208 2138 for advice and referrals.
We provide three days supply of food for households in need. We can also help with referrals to our own Citizens Advice Advisor who can support with benefit checks, income maximisation, support and advice with debt issues.
We rely on donations from the General Public. Donations can be dropped off during opening hours, at our centre at the back of Church, just come down the drive to the Car Park.
There are also collection points in Sainsburys, Asda, Lidl and Coppice Road Coop.
Further information can be seen on our website –